How To Convert Physical Share Certificates into Demat Form? 'Dematerialising of shares' is the process of converting physical shares certificates to DEMAT. Shares traded on the stock exchange and firms registered on depositories can both be dematerialized. If the actual shares have a corporate name and a face value, you can demat them. You must provide the following to dematerialize your physical share certificates: - 1. The dematerialisation request form (DRF) in two copies This is valid for up to four share certificates. (The two DRF copies can be used for up to four share certificates from the same corporation.) See How to fill out the De-materialization Request Form for instructions. You can submit just two DRF forms if you have more than four physical certificates and the physical certificate numbers are in sequential order (1505101,1505102,1505103, etc.). If the share physical certificates are not in order, you must submit two DRF forms as well as the DRF annexure. You must produce different sets of DRFs (and DRF annexure if appropriate) for each firm if you have share physical certificates from several companies. 2. In the 'Signature with DP and Signature with RTA/Issuer' areas (as per the firm records), sign the DRF (Dematerialisation Request Form). 3. If your address has changed, you must produce both old (Dividend warrant/allotment advice) and new (Aadhar/passport copy) self-attested address evidence. 4. Along with the DRFs, the original share physical certificates should be supplied. 5. A copy of your PAN that has been self-attested. Note: Physical Share certificates held by a single bearer cannot be dematerialized and transferred to a joint demat account. If the shares are owned jointly, they must be dematerialized and transferred to a joint demat account with identical names as on the share certificate. (If the names on the holder pattern are in a different sequence, you must use the transposition process.)